Keith Vlahakis's profile

Talenthouse Mortal Kombat Movie Poster

My entry design for the Talenthouse, Warner Brothers MORTAL KOMBAT movie poster competition. 

I delved deep into the lore of Mortal Kombat in my art process for this poster. Referencing the characters and tone of the recent Mortal Kombat movie trailer, but also fusing it with my love for vintage Kung fu /tournament style movie posters. This is my version of a limited edition illustrated poster for the cult classic franchise movie. I used only 3 colours, the characters being so rich in background and context, I wanted their auras to come through. Red being my only spot colour, referencing the use of blood and well articulated, overt violence through out the entire franchise. ARE YOU READY TO DEFEND EARTH REALM? 
Talenthouse Mortal Kombat Movie Poster

Talenthouse Mortal Kombat Movie Poster
