Megan Thong Tim Yan's profile

Time To Go (Collaborative Concept Design)

Time To Go
Tagline: A young Tibetan girl who is in search of her missing father in a spiritual cave discovers something else working deep within.

A final year concept design project done with my classmates of the Illustration major at The One Academy- team 'Afternoob'. These were some of the designs I came up for the story.

While most of the project's story was centered within an underground cave we also came up with an environment design for 'above' the cave. In the end we came up with a tree that has a hole directly under (cave entrance).

To note the spiritual aspect I looked into Tibetan symbols and found the Mandala symbol very fitting to shape the tree trunks into as it was reminiscent of 'lucky' Bamboo stalks in Feng Shui.​​​​​​​
We also had a Shaman character which lived around the tree so this was an additional environment done to imagine where the Shaman's hut would be. Much of Tibetan architecture was more square and less organic-looking and tents did not fit the idea that the character would permanently live there, so I referenced the look of spiritual items Tibetans used like ghost traps instead to form the 'hut'.
Each person was tasked to create a creature design so I had made one for the Shaman character once more. As the environment above was an island with an enormous tree I thought it would be interesting to have a water-based creature which could act as a form of transport for the Shaman as they are old. 

Whilst thinking of how to make the tortoise feel and look more ancient, I began looking at Dzi and Chinese Dynasty glass bead designs which felt like a good organic pattern to incorporate to it's design. Some beads also looked rather similar to the textured, bumpy look of a tortoise shell! 
Environment matte painting to express a key scene of the story.

Time To Go (Collaborative Concept Design)


Time To Go (Collaborative Concept Design)
