About Terminix
Terminix is a well-known international pest control company with over 90 years of experience. Terminix has expanded into Canada in the past few years by acquiring local pest control companies across the country.

The Challenge
Terminix came to the agency I work at to build a strong digital presence across Canada. The main objective was for the company to grow by building nationwide brand awareness and generating more leads.

At the start, there was no Terminix Canada website. Instead, there were only six local websites operating under different brand names, developed, and maintained by six different companies.

After conducting the first audit of all six websites, it was clear that users were lost and disoriented. There were no web form lead submissions. Some of the content was good for SEO, but it did not generate conversions. Terminix Canada needed a clear path for their users to take and the overall brand awareness to get them there.

The Solution
The first thing solved was a lack of online leads. We started with an efficient, user-friendly web form that asked users for just enough information to tell Terminix Canada about their issue – geared towards both B2C and B2B. Improving the websites’ forms, this enabled us to discover how many commercial versus residential leads Terminix Canada had.
We then built a new national website for Terminix Canada. This included restructured content and navigation, national and local SEO focused content, organized content with audience segments (B2B or B2C) in mind, improved look and feel, and a series of monthly blog posts. Ongoing goals include increasing session duration and increasing lead volume while decreasing cost per lead.
Terminix Canada | Bilingual Website
Pest Control Email Blasts
I created targeted seasonal email blasts in English and French, addressing specific pest problems. They showcased Terminix capabilities, offered discounts, and emphasized brand awareness and education, positioning Terminix as subject matter experts.
Terminix Canada | Residential pest control email blasts.
Paid Social Media
As part of the marketing plan, I crafted visual assets for Terminix' paid social media campaigns and organic social media calendars.
Series of educational "Did You Know?" social media posts linking to the website's pest library.
Terminix Canada | LinkedIn paid social media campaign.
Terminix Canada | Smart Google performance ad campaign.
Summer Giveaway Campaign
Targeting residential customers, our pilot project offered a $250 gift certificate for pest control services. Included email blast, paid social media content, and physical gift certificate.
Terminix Canada | Summer giveaway email blast.
Terminix Canada | Social media posts.
Terminix Canada


Terminix Canada
