Do you know someone who is always laughing? Seemingly unbothered by everything that is happening around them. Have you ever thought about them as being carefree, or flat-out crazy? Or is it that you wondered about the secret to their happiness. Hmmm, I wonder sometimes too. With all the madness that is happening in our world. Can anyone be truly happy? The answer is yes, and it isn't a secret. Happiness is a state of mind and you have to make yourself happy. You should never place the fate of your happiness in people or things. Happy people are just like us. They have problems, bills, disappointment, stress, and drama in their lives too. The truth is that you can either choose to be happy or surrender your happiness to the troubles in your life. On every given day, if you should search you'll find reasons to be sad, but the reverse is also true, on every given day, you can find a reason to be happy. That's exactly what happy people do. They find reasons to be happy amidst all that is happening in their lives. You can't allow people and things to withdraw your happiness. Life is a short journey. Make the most of it. Forgive yourself and others, live, love, laugh, and be the happiest that you can be
Image Credit: Karley Saagi Pexels
Be Happy

Be Happy

Image Credit: Karley Saagi Pexels


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