Zohra Amarta Shah's profile

Collaborative Art work with the British Council

Collaborative Art work with the British Council for ‘Go Digital : Pakistan–Wales’ edition March 2022 to September 2022
Flow is an over-arching project that encompasses five distinct research initiatives. Five Pakistan based artists, who practise independently of each other, have come together specifically to explore cultural connections with five creative practitioners based in Wales. 
Flow is a vehicle for the research and development of these five artistic collaborations. It looks towards the future potential for co-creations or co-productions between the Pakistan and Wales based practitioners. The collaborations cover a breadth of specialisms and have the potential to reach wider organisations and community networks.
Mission Gallery in Swansea is facilitating Flow and supporting the collaborations between the independent, female artists. The artists based in Pakistan are Rameesha Azeem, Maheen Zia, Ayessha Quraishi, Shanzay Subzwari and Zohra Amarta Shah. The practitioners based in Wales are  Eddie Ladd, Ingrid Murphy, Mererid Hopwood, Lauren Heckler and Llio James. Mission Gallery is delighted to be supporting this exploratory, cross-cultural initiative and hopes to develop opportunities for the potential future delivery of the Flow research projects.

Collaborative Art work with the British Council


Collaborative Art work with the British Council
