Psihanodia (after I.P. Culianu's book with the same title, meaning the journey of the soul) is a series of drawings and paintings I made during my winter retreat in the mountains near Saliste (Sibiu, Romania). 
I took a concept I repeated but carefully altering it, pouring one idea differently in all the watercolors, acrylics and mixed media sketches from this series.
As one can see some trees turn into dragons and some dragons end up devouring their own tails. It points at inner transformation but not only - the boat is made of wood, the wood comes from the tree.
Shaped like the letter U, the boat symbolizes the spirit and its journey in the waters of existence. 
One idea imperfectly represented in all copies that try to imitate its perfection. Some journeys are more twisted than others.
At the end I put the first one from the series. I did think about time, spirit and matter and the cosmic games they all play. We're part of it, a self-devouring mystery.