Every Bit Better

With over 25 years in business, Megapro has a strong customer base who love the quality, comfort, and usability of the products. However, the strength of the Megapro brand was still missing in the marketplace. KEEN tightened up Megapro’s brand visuals and assets to streamline their communications to new audiences and establish their position as the original, retractable cartridge, multi-bit screwdriver.
The Original

A new secondary logo was developed to re-establish the Megapro screwdriver as one of the first of its kind and a quality product that has stood the test of time.
Roll Up Your Sleeves

KEEN shot new photography to be more inclusive and representative of Megapro’s target audiences. The new visuals provide a warm, rustic, and nostalgic feel to represent the do-it-yourself philosophy at the heart of Megapro.

KEEN updated Megapro’s website to refocus their brand image, improve user experience and build trust. The updated website and visuals resulted in improvements across the board.

Increase in Product Sales

Increase in Total Web Traffic

Increase in Organic Traffic

Average Page Load Time (Decrease by 40%)

KEEN redesigned the Megapro catalog with updated photography and clearer product information to help buyers find the best tool for their tasks. From product packaging to store display stands, we helped MegaPro showcase their product in the most professional light.
Megapro Tools


Megapro Tools

Building on Megapro’s brand perception, we refreshed their creative and digital experience every bit in the right direction.
