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Game Changers' Motion Capture

Using Adobe Character Animator
This was my first time using Adobe Character Animator, but after the showcase in class, I was really interested in the possible uses for it. For example, making VTuber models for my friends who stream on Twitch. 
The Inspiration
Since I needed a 1-2 clip of a character talking, I figured the best choice would be to go for a monologue. Consequentially, the most iconic monologue I could think of was Brennan Lee Mulligan's monologue from the show "Game Changers", linked below. 

It was really important for me to try and match his emotions in my puppet's movements, though limited they may be. 
Creating the Set 
Using FireAlpaca, a free drawing program, I recreated the Game Changer's set with a more fitting perspective, since the video was only gonna be focused on Brennan.
The final background without the podium.
The Main Character
I debated on whether on not I wanted to use Brennan as the character giving the monologue, but in the end I feel like I managed to capture his likeness. 
The first character sketch where I sketched directly over the Character Animator model, "Chloe", while trying to figure out how I wanted to include Brennan's features.
The final render of Brennan. I wanted to include really dramatic lightning to the intensity of the monologue and the way in which Brennan himself delivers it. I think it really elevated the animation in the end. 
Exchanging the Art
Due to my use of FireAlpaca, transporting the character art into Photoshop was a semi-difficult and tedious process. FireAlpaca doesn't have capability of exporting and maintaining the layers and Photoshop can't open FireAlpaca files. 

In the end, my process was to save each body part as a PNG and then import them into the Photoshop file, resize them, erase the original body part, and then merge the layers. It was a LOT. 
Animating the Animation
Luckily, I could chose not to the lip sync myself, but when it came to the body movements. It was a bit difficult balancing all the movement to the body and paying attention to the audio at the same time. However, I was extremely happy with what I ended up with. 

Although, there was a hiccup where I ended the animation to early, but I really liked what I had, so I just recorded the ending, which resulted a jump in position near the end. 
The Finale
Game Changers' Motion Capture

Game Changers' Motion Capture
