Carne Griffiths's profile

Horn of Plenty - The East End

I’m happy to be showing 2 new pieces of work alongside Artist, illustrator and general all round creative genius Mr David Bray at a pop up exhibition in Hoxton Arches this Thursday 1st May.  Hosted and curated by Horn of Plenty, who are taking a fresh and investigative approach into showing artists work.  I was contacted by them a while back with a project idea that involved sharing part of the artists process as part of the exhibition.  I was a little retiscent at fist but it has been a really fun process and being able to share inspirations and background about the pieces has really added to the whole experience for me as an artist.
Both myself and David were given the brief of ‘The East End’ to loosely inspire our new works.  Being from Liverpool, I initially found it difficult to produce a work that was honestly inspired by my experience of East London, so I began to compare the City of Liverpool with the East end and the similarities started to become apparent.  I looked back to war time when both were neglected, poverty stricken areas of the country, and considered how this may have influenced and strengthened their resolve.  It seemed fitting to base the piece on issues of resolve and triumph over adversity, whilst still keeping the work in line with my current studio practice.
Here's some work in progress pics.. you can find out more about the exhibition over at 
Horn of Plenty - The East End

Horn of Plenty - The East End

New works for a dual exhibition, Carne Griffiths and David Bray, showing with Horn of Plenty, Hoxton Arches.
