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Hozier "All Things End" || Audio-reactive Visualizer

Hozier "All Things End"  ||  Audio-reactive Visualizer
I completed this project as a part of my digital media design course for our computational design unit. The assignment was to create an interactive projection display that incorporated some sort of audio, kinetic, or visual input. I chose to create an audio-reactive projection for the musician Hozier that could be used during his upcoming concerts. 

I used colors sampled from the cover and searched for tutorials incorporating the artwork's organic vibe. For the project, I used the software TouchDesigner, a computational design program. It was the first time I had used the software, so it was definitely a learning curve! I used the following two tutorials to create a framework for the design:
I used a comp overlay to combine the particle displacement, which was made using the album colors, and the organic growth, for which I used a high-contrast picture of the roots on the album cover. Here's the final product:
The following is a screenshot of my overall network in TouchDesigner. The top portion created the spreading growth effect from the album art and the bottom portion is the particle displacement gradient that pulses to the beat of the music. The comped final product was treated with a grain effect to give it a cohesive appearance.
Pre-Visualization Images
The following images are mock-ups of what the design would look like in a projection environment. In reality, it would appear as the backdrop of Hozier's stage. I was having trouble getting the lighting and coloring of the design to appear as it did in the file, and the output of many of the images were low quality.
Hozier "All Things End" || Audio-reactive Visualizer

Hozier "All Things End" || Audio-reactive Visualizer
