Sunshine Sips

Sunshine Sips

Sunshine Sips, a vibrant and innovative natural juice company, has been a beacon of health and refreshment since its establishment in 2011. Rooted in a commitment to harnessing the goodness of nature, Sunshine Sips embarked on a creative journey to revitalize its brand identity and packaging design. In this endeavor, the principles of Gestalt psychology played a pivotal role, guiding the design process and resulting in a visually striking and emotionally resonant packaging that seamlessly communicates the essence of the brand.
Akhmed Bunyadov, art director + designer
Mursal Garajayev, animation
Chole Martinez, designer
Aydin Teymurov, account
Sunshine Sips

Sunshine Sips

Natural juice brand identity, Packaging, Fruit illustration, Concept, creator, visuals, visual concept, hue, hue variation, stimulus, emblem, emb Read More
