Kiefer Kong's profile

Tomorrow Never Knows - Black & White Film Photography

Tomorrow Never Knows (2022)
“One should really use the camera as though tomorrow you’d be stricken blind.”

This work features 8 photographs covering what I would like to capture if I were to go blind the next day. Simply, I want to appreciate the vision I still have by appreciating the simple things in my life that I often take for granted. Through this, I narrowed down this work into two sub-categories of 4 photos each, my mum and my ordinary surroundings.
My Mum

I dedicate this series to my mother who is the supporting pillar of my family. She is the one working behind the scenes to ensure that the family is well taken care of and functioning. Often times when I come home, I will just dumb my used clothes into the washer without much thought and expect it to be clean and ready. This is a luxury that was imbedded in me thinking that my mum will naturally do it and yet, I do not show her any appreciation for her sacrifices and love. Through this series, I hope to remember and immortalise my mum’s hard work into photos.
My Ordinary Surroundings
This series is about me having a last walk in nostalgic places while I still have my sight. It uses shadows as a motif to symbolise something that can never be recognised without sight as it is intangible. Through this series, I hope to capture the beauty in the ordinary frequent surroundings in my life that I may have missed out, so as to remember it in it’s beautiful state before I become blind.
Tomorrow Never Knows - Black & White Film Photography


Tomorrow Never Knows - Black & White Film Photography


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