Ben Marshall's profile

Go Green - Website

Go Green website
Home page. I created a simple consistent design that was easy on the eye. The home page consists of a drop down menu created with AS3. This menu features throughout the site. The main content is split into 2 columns; on the left the main links appear and on the right features an image for a key node. The content in both columns is entirely changeable. The two wind turbines in the bottom right are animations and along with the drop down menu are consistent throughout the site.
Drop down menu feedback. THe drop down menu is one of the main attractions of the website from a flash point of view. I added feedback to the menu so when the user selects an link it would turn red (see above).
Drop down menu feedback. In the image above you can see that when a user selects a link i.e. What to Recycle the link becomes highlighted and the menu appears.
Symbols Explained. This page doesn't do the AS3 in use justice! When the user selects one of the symbols to find out what they mean the the meaning appears from the right of the screen. It appears from the right and moves across screen before hitting the left of the page and settling in its final position. Upon hitting the sides of the page it makes a 'boing!' noise.
Slide menu. On this page about how recycling occurs I created the navigation by adding a pair of arrows that when the user clicks on the content changes. The arrow has feedback as shown above.
Drop down content. For one of the nodes I had a lot of content to feature. To compensate and save space I created a drop down menu so the page wasn't full of content. When the user reads one chapter and wants to read more they can click the next arrow, which allows the content to appear and the previous chapter to disappear. 
Go Green - Website

Go Green - Website

Flash built website about recycling.
