American Express
I had the privilege of spearheading impactful projects for American Express (Amex), seamlessly blending user experience (UX) principles with cutting-edge email design and development. Leveraging a skill set cultivated over 10+ years, I executed projects with a keen eye on enhancing both visual appeal and functionality.

My proficiency in Adobe Creative Cloud allowed me to craft visually stunning and brand-aligned email campaigns. 

Simultaneously, I employed Figma for collaborative design processes, ensuring a seamless workflow. HTML, CSS, and Javascript were instrumental in bringing these designs to life, enabling dynamic and interactive elements that elevated the overall user experience.
The amalgamation of UX principles with robust coding skills allowed me to design and develop emails that not only resonated with Amex's brand ethos but also ensured a user-friendly and responsive experience across diverse platforms.

These projects at Amex demonstrated my ability to leverage Adobe Creative Cloud, Figma, and coding languages effectively to create email campaigns that transcended traditional design boundaries, delivering a harmonious blend of visual appeal, interactivity, and a user-centric approach.
These are a few examples of UX designs, compiled here below.
American Express

American Express
