Jayline Johnson's profile

Environmental Change

Environmental Change Before & After Project
Clone Stamp and Content Aware Tool Practice
The objective of this assignment was to experiment with the Clone-Stamp Tool and the Content Aware Fill feature to significantly add and remove elements to the images. 

Images were imported into Photoshop and sized correctly, layers were appropriately named and merged as needed, and each tool was used to achieve a desired result.

All images were provided by the instructor.
Behind the Scenes

Step 1: Using the Lasso tool, a selection was made around the object I wanted to remove.
Step 2: After the selecting the object, I went to Edit > Content Aware Fill, and the object was removed and filled in using the surrounding environment for context clues.

Step 3: These steps were repeated to remove the tires, the trash can, and the metal pole. 

Step 4: The Clone Stamp Tool was used to fill in distorted areas left over from the Content Aware Fill. The stamp was "dipped" into the dirt area and "inked" around to define the path more. The same was done to make the foliage behind the trash look more natural.

Step 5: The Clone Stamp was also used to add more red flowers in the right of the background.
Part 2 - "Surfs Up"

Step 1: The Content Aware Fill was used to remove the surfboards, the girl and the rock path from the image.

Step 2: The Clone Stamp followed, cleaning up the filled areas with surrounding rock patterns, as well as shaping the island with foliage "inked" from the middle of it.
Part 3 - "Through the Woods"

Step 1: The Clone Stamp Tool was heavily implemented in this image to cover five random parts of the road with trees. 

Step 2: The same tool was used to add three sections of road to the image as well. 

Step 3: Lastly, we needed to place an additional 8 vans in the image. I used the the Clone Stamp tool for some of the vans that would be facing the same direction as the original van. In order to change the orientation of the van, I copied a selection of the van to a new layer and transformed it to make it align with the road.
Key Objectives and Photoshop Features
1. Open a file in Photoshop
2. Manipulate the canvas size
3. Organize and rename layers
4. Use appropriate selection tools
5. Scale images in proportion
6. Select specific pixels
7. Utilize the Clone Stamp tool
8. Utilize the Content Aware Fill feature
9. Apply the Sky Replacement feature
10. Utilize the appropriate tools to execute the desired effect
11. Save in appropriate file format and using file naming structure
12. Submit files to Canvas with a valid copyright statement
13. Upload to Canvas
Copyright Statement:
All images were provided by the instructor.
Environmental Change

Environmental Change
