Haru Alicia's profile

Kitkat campaign- Have a Break, Break the Cycle

Project background

This KitKat campaign is based in Singapore. Cultural context: corporal punishment is very normalized and common in Singapore.

 "Caning culture" is a manifestation of generational trauma as many Singaporeans have a belief that sparing the rod is spoiling the child. This belief has been passed down through generations. This campaign aims to shade light on the negative impacts of corporal punishment and encourage communication as an alternative so as to break the cycle of corporal punishment. 


KitKat brand campaigns are always cheeky with tongue-in-cheek humor. This helps to lighten an otherwise heavy subject surrounding the wellbeing of children. My focus with the initial drafts was to keep the brands familiar humorous tone and relatability while still getting the message across

The final shortlisted concept was able to achieve that the with the most potential to be expanded into a poster series. The use of a domestic "local" weapon; the feather duster makes the poster more relatable to a Singaporean audience 

As the campaign is a poster series, I featured a series of different KitKat products as well aside from the original- including KitKat chunky and KitKat mini. This gives the brands product more exposure and the poster series more variety

Final Deliverables

Each poster is directed at a figure in a child's life that has power and authority to stop corporal punishment and break the cycle

Each poster encourages communication and to "Have a break, Break the cycle"

Kitkat campaign- Have a Break, Break the Cycle


Kitkat campaign- Have a Break, Break the Cycle
