Ire vals's profile

Adversity of adaptation


"Adaptation. One of the major issues in our society. It threatens our natural predispositions, heralds our survival, and fosters our successes; all conditions that imply each other. To adapt means to succeed, to triumph and dominate over the adversities posed by the environment; but at what cost? Is it always so? Perhaps it depends on perspectives and situations. Adapting can be an easy task for those who can automatically adjust to the demands of the environment, demonstrating the ability to take on the shape of content in a stunning, impeccable manner, much like a chameleon assumes the color of the object it rests upon. An enviable trait for those competing for professional success in various fields, where one is torn between what needs to be done to prevail and one's biological weaknesses that, by opposing, often at devastating and oppressive rhythms and practices countered by a resistance that leads to the pathological, risk activating resistance mechanisms that can lead the individual to madness."
The artwork depicts an individual struggling with their own senses, which, being highly developed, prevent constant and rapid adaptation to their surroundings. A continuous struggle, writhing, suffering, an inner suffering manifested with difficulty, until, reaching the peak of unbearable, madness ensues, imagining fading into nothingness by self-projecting into an unreal and imaginary cosmos. An idyllic evasive reality that relaxes and comforts, bringing peace, the peace finally achieved after an exhausting period of time quantitatively immeasurable spent in a "normal" context. Being highly sensitive sensorially can lead to experiencing significant difficulties in socio-environmental interaction, feeling as if invaded by dry branches that penetrate the orifices representing the enormous amount of information flooding the nervous system and unable to be properly processed and integrated, making the subject increasingly nervous and anxious almost to the brink of a crisis; exactly what is depicted in the artwork. The subject erupts in a chilling scream and imagines being in a fantastical place, in a distant land, where they can freely unleash their intolerance, their frustration. Just like dry branches in the ears and nose, the head encircled by huge constricting branches, the veiny eyes oozing tension until bursting, the chin sunk into muddy soil, and the mind, now gone, surrendering to daydreaming of an enchanted world, adorned with a myriad of vibrant colors indicating the intensity of the experienced suffering. The experience depicted can be lived daily by some people on the autism spectrum, who experience serious difficulties in managing sensory overload from the outside.

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Adversity of adaptation


Adversity of adaptation
