"Echoes of stone" a short story for an art exhibition. 
The books and films that has inspired me are: 1984, Fahrenheit 451, Brazi,  Mad Max, Hunger Games, Animal farm, the Lord of the flies and the matrix:
In a society where individuality is suppressed, and conformity is mandatory, lies a city enveloped in perpetual surveillance - a city that resembles a blend of sadness. Citizens are constantly monitored by the oppressive government, their every move scrutinized to ensure compliance with the prescribed way of life.
Within this bleak landscape, we meet our protagonist, a young artist named M. Creative expression is forbidden in this world, reminiscent of the totalitarian regime. Art, music, and literature have all been banned, deemed too dangerous by the authorities who seek to maintain control through fear and uniformity.
M discovers an old book hidden beneath the floorboards of her tiny apartment—an illicit copy of Orwell's "1984", a forbidden relic that sparks a rebellious fire within her soul. As she delves into the pages of the book, she finds solace in the words of defiance penned by the protagonist, Winston.
Driven by a newfound sense of purpose, M clandestinely begins creating art that challenges the status quo, much like the rebellious spirit in an ancient landscape Brazil. Her paintings and murals depict scenes of freedom, individuality, and resistance, echoing the themes of rebellion seen in fighting of the fittest and strongest.
As M's artwork spreads throughout the city, a spark of revolution ignites in the hearts of the downtrodden citizens, akin to the awakening seen in the atmosphere of fear of being left out of the community. The once-complacent populace starts questioning the oppressive regime, inspired by the symbols of hope and defiance that M's art represents.
However, the government swiftly clamps down on this burgeoning resistance, deploying ruthless tactics reminiscent of the authoritarian rule: you can’t escape this world, you don’t know what the reality is anymore and what is truth?. M finds herself hunted by the authorities, forced to evade capture as she continues to spread her message of freedom through her art.
In the climax of the story, M's actions culminate in a symbolic act of defiance - a daring display of art projected onto the imposing facade of the government building, mirroring the iconic defiance of hop.
Despite the overwhelming power of the machines and their agents, M chooses to defy this artificial reality and fights against the system to free herself and others.
M's defiance is characterized by her refusal to accept the status quo and her journey to uncover the truth behind the new government. Her questions the rules imposed on her, seeks answers to the mysteries surrounding his existence, and ultimately embraces her role as "The One" – a chosen individual who can manipulate the system and challenge the machines' dominance.
Her journey symbolizes the human capacity for resistance against oppressive systems and the quest for freedom and self-realization.
As the vibrant images of rebellion illuminate the night sky, M stands as a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness, embodying the indomitable spirit of resistance against tyranny, much like the heroes of the dystopian tales that inspired her.
Through M's story, the exhibition invites viewers to contemplate the power of art as a catalyst for change, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the spark of creativity and defiance can ignite a revolution.
Echoes of stone


Echoes of stone
