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Competitor Analysis Report of a dental website

Competitor Analysis Report
UX Competitor Analysis for Dental Websites:
Project Overview
The UX Competitor Analysis project aimed to enhance the user experience (UX) of the above-mentioned two dental websites by conducting a comprehensive analysis of competitors’ websites. The primary goal was to identify strengths, weaknesses, and missing features in the existing website’s UX, ultimately providing actionable insights for improvement.
Project Objectives

1) Evaluate the usability and functionality of competitor dental websites.
2) Identify best practices and missing features.
3) Accessibility assessment and other design element consistency.
4) Assess the gaps and shortcomings in the current website’s UX.
5) Generate recommendations to enhance the UX and address missing features.


1) Competitor Selection:  Competitor websites were given by client

2) UX Evaluation Framework: I developed a comprehensive evaluation framework encompassing key UX factors such as navigation, content organization, visual design, accessibility, color contrast, navigation, all-call-for-actions, and mobile responsiveness.

3) Competitive Analysis: Conducted in-depth assessments of selected competitor websites using the established evaluation framework. This involved exploring various pages, functionalities, and user interactions. I also used UX Google Reports to evaluate the key features of all the websites

3) Feature Identification: I identified notable features and functionalities present in competitor websites that were lacking or underutilized in the client’s website. This included features related to FAQs, interactive elements, and other important pages.

4) Recommendations: Based on the findings from the competitor analysis, we formulated actionable recommendations to enhance the UX of the client’s websites.


1)  Competitor Analysis Report: A detailed report outlining findings from the competitor analysis is in an Excel file. Competitor Analysis Excel File

2) Recommendation Document: A comprehensive document providing prioritized recommendations for improving the UX and incorporating missing features into the client’s website. Recommended Suggestions


1) Enhanced User Experience: Implementation of recommended improvements aimed at providing a seamless and intuitive user experience for website visitors.

2) Competitive Advantage: Incorporation of innovative features and best practices observed in competitor websites to stay ahead in the competitive dental industry.

3) Increased Engagement and Conversions: Optimization of the website to better meet the needs and preferences of users, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

The UX Competitor Analysis project provided valuable insights and actionable recommendations to elevate the client’s dental website’s UX, ensuring it remains a competitive asset in the digital landscape.
Competitor Analysis Report of a dental website


Competitor Analysis Report of a dental website


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