Ire vals's profile

Losing the identity


"Identity is not in the face. It's not even on paper. It's not the name we're given at birth, and it doesn't inherently belong to us. Identity is what we build through recognition from others and what we decide it to be based on what inspires us the most. Identity is what we passionately desire to be."
Identification is a highly complex psychological process extensively studied by science. It encompasses multiple areas and implementations and begins from the very earliest infancy. We are born with the intention of feeling part of something, and everything we are inspired to do is therefore geared towards that purpose. Identity is not something we inherently possess, as one might think. It's not something limited to being defined on a birth certificate. Instead, it is the result of a long series of experiences of various magnitudes that have left a mark on our minds, whether positive or negative. Once formed, it sticks to our face and our lived experiences without being easily untangled. However, in some individuals, this process may not occur correctly, and they may struggle to identify with anyone or anything around them. They may lack inspiration and attraction towards others. When one's identity is missing, it's as if they have none or all identities. On one hand, there are people who lack identity, while on the other hand, there are others whose identity fragments into a thousand others in order to be pleasing to others. Some do this out of necessity, others out of opportunism, while still others out of fear of abandonment. In any case, this condition can lead to a disconnection where one no longer knows who they are and can't grasp what they want to be. The artwork precisely depicts this mechanism. A human figure whose face detaches from its position and takes on the form of a spider, launching itself into the void with a scream of horror and desperation. The spider is an ambiguous creature, neither insect nor other, it stands alone and has always been associated with darkness and esotericism. It's a symbol of charm and evil. Other faces materialize on the figure's abdomen but without any form; empty and neutral. The same emptiness that the human figure carries inside, while its own body and the scene around it dissolve and fragment, indicating a total absence of foundation and belonging to the surrounding world.

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Losing the identity


Losing the identity
