Observations and Dreams
New Work by Patrick Barth
April 4 – April 20, 2014
Opening Reception: Friday, April 4, 7 - 10 pm

The painter Dick Carlyon used to make elaborate and extended analogies between the many types of relationships we have with specific people in our lives and the many types of relationships we have with particular works of art: There are those people we find wildly entertaining at parties but wouldn’t trust with our secrets. There are the people we call when we need to be re-grounded in our belief systems, and the other people with whom we chat – casually and always in a cluster - at brunch. There are the rock stars we admire from a distance, the villains we love to hate, and, very rarely, the special souls with whom we could live our everyday. Patrick Barth’s is the live our everyday kind of art: quietly confident works on paper that invite us in like old friends and then engage us with fascinating conversation.

Patrick’s drawing/collages incorporate notable drafting skills and inventive image combinations to create curious spaces that we can’t quite locate. His architectural renderings are as precise as they are warm, so they are thoughtful but not fussy. His inclusion of other types of imagery in conjunction with the architectural – geometric forms, calligraphic forms, snippets of old photographs - create compositions that read like equations for a poem.

Patrick describes his process as follows:

I sometimes draw from observations, enjoying the meditative practice of merely looking at the geometries, shapes, lines, overlapping planes, and textures of my environment. I sometimes draw from dreams, not bothering to interpret. I like hidden connections, implied spheres of existence, and the immaterial, although I don't necessarily believe in the immaterial. I sometimes start a drawing with a mark and no other preconceived plan, hoping a story finds itself in the offering of the effort. I sometimes merge all of the above. I especially like the poetry of inner narratives; vague, ill-defined, and mysterious.

We are so very proud to feature Patrick’s first solo show in New York at Wayfarers from April 4th – 20th.
Patrick Barth, 2014

Patrick Barth, 2014

Patrick Barth, Observations and Dreams, April 4 - April 20, 2014


Creative Fields