This was an assigment where we learned how to make a pattern then add texture. My brother works at a bar where they needed a sign to advertise the 53 beers they had on tap. 
This was created in Photoshop, after creating the hole pattern I then opened a new window with the textured rust background. 
The black layer is a slight gradation with a satin finish to it would recede. 
The grate pattern is with a textured rust background and another, it also include a bevel and emboss, inner shadow, stroke and a drop shadow to bring the grate pattern forward. 
The text layer "53" was created and made to size then rasterized, it was then beveled and embossed with an inner and drop shadow with a slight inner glow around the inside edge. 
I then placed an image of cracked rust above "53" and turned it into a clipping mask to conform it to the numbers. 
Textured 53

Textured 53

Creating pattern with textures.
