THE GUINNESS SKY - Borgomanero

A new pub, inspired by the traditional Irish pubs, but with some unusual elements.
A painted curtain, a large painting on the ceiling, a wine cellar in glass and wood in the rough.
And wooden columns under glass and crystal chandeliers …
As usual, not everything is as it seems …
In fact … we are sure that this is just a traditional pub?
Un nuovo pub, ispirato ai tradizionali pub irlandesi, ma con alcuni elementi insoliti.
Un sipario dipinto, un grande dipinto sul soffitto, una cantina in vetro e legno grezzo.
Colonne di legno sotto vetro e lampadari di cristallo ...
Come al solito, non tutto è come sembra ...
Infatti ... siamo sicuri che questo sia un pub tradizionale?
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THE GUINNESS SKY - Borgomanero

THE GUINNESS SKY - Borgomanero

2014 Pub A new pub,inspired by the traditional Irish pubs, but with some unusual elements. A painted curtain, a large painting on the ceiling, a Read More
