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Dianping.com: Fury

dianping.com: Fury
Dianping.com hopes to promote its business items of online booking of movie tickets with the help of the movie Fury started by Brad Pitt and released since November 2014. 
1. Creative animation form Html5 
Generally, inflexible static Html5 interactive pages are widely used in marketing; however, Html5 animation will refresh the audience’s mind. 
2. Business strategy is integrated into interaction
"Selection" is the keyword of the strategy designed for dianping.com, and Html5 interacts with the audience in the only way: selection. The options related with the movie content will finally firmly tell you dianping.com will be your best choice, and you can enjoy the great movie Fury only at cost of 9.9 yuan. 
3. Sound integration of art style into creative contents
In terms of art style, the ticket, characters and objects in pencil-stroke style is in good line with the poster style of World War II. The online hot keywords including Humorous Mr. Cang, Jinsanpang and slide shoes raise rounds of topic discussion. The frame-by-frame animation translates plane elements into the dynamic. The interaction effect is enhanced by the funny sound of clicks and encourages the audience’s enthusiastic transfer. 
1. Html5 interactive page is visited for 1000000+ times (according to Baidu statistics).
2. The pencil drawing, nostalgic ticket, neon lights and animation elements set good example for Html5 quality, and they have been widely applied and learnt from in the industry.
3. This is the first Html5 the audiences are willing to wait for, and the obdurate belief in Html5 file size and loading time is eliminated. Despite that the loading is more time-consuming than any of the previous Html5 versions, the quantity and frequency of spontaneous spread is beyond all of previous versions of Html5.
4. H5 screen shot is uploaded to various social networking platforms spontaneously by consumers, to express their strong recognition of the brand, which also promotes secondary communication.  
5. It has been promoted as a classic case of Html5 interaction and communication by quite a few of authoritative websites. 
Dianping.com: Fury

Project Made For

Dianping.com: Fury

A promotion of dianping.com online booking of movie tickets with the help of the movie Fury by Brad Pitt.
