A collaboration by Kate Black-Regan and Taushik Mandal.

Trust the Process is a mantra Kate has repeated throughout her Expressive Arts Therapy journey. The process being one of creating, of living, of learning - of leaping into unknowns and diving into personal work. Expressive Arts Therapy brings what is unconscious into the conscious, focuses on process over product, and creates safe space for exploration, expression, and for what is most alive within the body/psyche to emerge.

Kate and Taushik spoke on what kind of images they wanted to create. They decided to begin on an open road and let the process unfold itself. The project portrays the protagonist's journey through metaphysical states of tabula rasa, wandering, doubt, fear, joy, exploration, belonging, and finally emergence of a transformed individual.

Performance Artist: Kate Black-Regan
Photographer: Taushik Mandal 
Makeup Artist: Sithara Rachel
Trust the Process