Kevin Gakere's profile

Mental Health Awareness

Depression clung onto me,
Hugged me like a faux fur coat,
Whispered to just let my sanity, sense of reality go.

Anxiety was next,
Consumed me until I suffocated;
Breathing in nothing but self hate;
It felt like a million and one voices in my head screaming at me to just give up -
-I would never be good enough.

Bulimia was the final but most brutal of all,
A gentle lover's whisper it took on,
Convinced me she was helping me but really she was destroying me from the inside out;
I was a tangle of numbers from the tape and the scale;
I spoke nothing but calorie counts,
Is death really  worth the skinny feels?

Poetry by Jaaziyah Satar
Model: Jaaziyah Satar.
Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness

The aim of this project was to shed some light on the mental illnesses that many young people go through which are; Depression, Anxiety and Bulim Read More
