"MSF - See what we see"
A short animation for the work of the Doctors Without Borders.
MSF in an international organisation with many different operations and activities. This short animation reflects the scale and scope of MSF by utilising animation techniques to transition from one scene of action to the other, where people of MSF attend to various situations and disasters to provide support. In this way, the work of the MSF is illustrated and presented in a way that is not limited by the existing archive footage, and attempts to communicate with the audience in a simple and pleasant way, while still placing an important and serious message.
This short animation came to be as a collaboration between myself and the MSF video/creative team in London. My original idea was to create a blend of animation and live footage from their video archive, converting real vehicles into rotoscoped ones, able to morph from one vehicle to another and thus connect various, different videos into a single, consistent one. Due to time constraint and some problems with communication, the concept was later scrapped and replaced with a simpler, more effective idea and method to achieve the same message; using vector images and simple, vivid forms, three different vehicles each on sea, land and sky respectively, would morph into one another and present the alertness and flexibility of the MSF on the front lines. The project was able to reach completion, but has remained unpublished.
MSF - See what we see

MSF - See what we see

A short animation portraying MSF's work around the globe - see what they see every day.
