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Your Basic Rights as a Tenant

Your Basic Rights as a Tenant
A rental agreement, signed by the landlord and the tenant, comes with certain responsibilities and rights. There are some expectations from a landlord such as maintaining the property in a livable condition and keeping it safe. In return, the tenant should respect and treat the rental property without causing any damages. In addition, the landlord has the right to expect prompt rental payment each month, and the tenant has the responsibility to pay the rent.

Let’s look at some of the basic rights of a tenant in detail.

While the tenant is usually responsible for the basic cleanliness of the property, areas such as the backyard or corridors in an apartment building are not a tenant’s responsibility. While leasing a property, the tenant can clarify, with the landlord, as to how these areas will be maintained. Of course, if the tenant identifies any damage to these areas, it is their responsibility to report the problem to the landlord.

Feeling safe in and around the rental property is a basic right for a tenant. It is within their right to expect that the premises have been properly inspected and there are no potential hazards to living in the rental property. A not-so well-maintained rental property may cost less but it might not be safe to live in. Such scenarios should be avoided by the landlord and each rental property should be maintained such that it is safe to live in.

Discrimination because of gender, ethnicity, religion, race, nationality or disability is prohibited under the federal Fair Housing Act. If a tenant feels that a particular landlord is discriminating against them in any way, it is a good idea to contact a local HUD (Housing and Urban Development) representative and to get a lawyer. At the same time, it is a tenant’s responsibility to read the lease agreement carefully and comply with its clauses and not give their landlord any reason for eviction. 

It is wise to be informed about your rights as a tenant. FindLaw provides a checklist to help determine if you are experiencing discrimination. HUD maintains a state by state listing of tenant rights. They have also published the Fair Housing Act along with other useful links.  You can take advantage of these resources and be informed about your rights as a tenant.
Your Basic Rights as a Tenant

Your Basic Rights as a Tenant


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