In a world where the future may be controlled by artificial intelligence, we can only wonder how close objects could come to adopting human characteristics. This makes us think about if perception and expression of behaviour and emotion is relevant to just humans or if objects would be able to do the same.
The importance of humanisation of objects
Standardising how an object could express an emotion
Graphical explanation of the same
Ideation process toward the final outcome
Final outcome:
As visual communicators, we leaned toward translating emotions through a graphical form, using motion graphics, and animations.

Our project is a concept product of a watch that could be an information container, absorbing data about its wearer; habits, lifestyles, trends and in accordance, would express emotion towards its owner.

Using the watch face and dial of the watch as primary utilities, we focused on how emotions can be perceived and understood by humans without using humanistic abilities; such as speech or facial expression. 
Logo created
Compilation of animations
Can you think of why your watch would want to express an emotion to you?
Poster advertisements created for "Watchface"
Advertisement animation created for "Watchface"
Exhibiting our work at MG Road, Bangalore
This project was done in collaboration with Advait Govindan. 


Our project is a concept product of an watch that could express emotion towards its owner, we have attempted to show this through a combination o Read More
