Alex Trochut: Truth.AF
We're excited to share Alex Trochut's latest self initiated project: Truth.AF

Truth.AF is a new platform that explores how truth in the modern world has been unreliable. Truth today is manipulative and at times even deceiving. To explore this concept, Alex collaborated with 9 different artists and audio studio Antfood. Together they developed a series of "typographic animated 'one-word poems.’”

On the platform the viewer can "opt to play each [animation] simultaneously [or all at once where the soundtrack of] the clips crescendo into chaos. The representation of objectivity and truth carries through to the name of each animation, with titles like Flexible Values, Mind Games, Puppet Show and even Hot Air underlining the skepticism and uncertainty fostered by modern society." (Creative Review)

Alex designed the lettering and brought in the concept for each of the animations, directed all the creative, and has a close relationship with the final results. However, the below animation, Truth RX, was done by Alex alone. Enjoy!

For the full audio visual experience check out Truth.AF
You can see more of Alex's work here
Alex Trochut: Truth.AF

Alex Trochut: Truth.AF

Alex Trochut's latest self initiated project, Truth.AF, explores the unreliability of Truth.
