An app to ensure fitness of a person who has recently undergone an injury and is recovering from it. It was observed that it is difficult for a person going through physiotherapy to physically visit the doctor frequently. On delving into understanding the pain points of the stakeholder, it was found that it is equally difficult for the doctor to keep a track of the exercise prescribed to you. Considering these 2 major factors, the app provides an interface between the user and the physiotherapist to reduce the physical effort included in visiting the clinic. It also enables doctors to keep a track of the patients health and to maintain a record of pain or discomfort felt by the patient during the period, if any. The application is a paid interface between the physiotherapist and the patient to keep a tab on the progress of the patient without the actual need to visit the clinic. The application also uses a fictional technology of a device which activates on particular pressure and sends feedback to the application. The process includes multiple brainstorming sessions, interviews with users and doctors, iterations of the information architecture and prototyping.
To begin with it was studied that most physiotherapy exercises were isometric in nature. Hence, the first step was to understand these exercises and the mechanisms associated with their working.
User Personas were created user was observed while performing the exercise prescribed by the physiotherapist. Interviews were taken to understand the lifestyle. Below is the documentation of one such user while performing daily routine.
A User Journey was mapped from observation and interviews to study the emotional state of the user while performing the tasks
A list of stakeholders affecting the users decision to exercise was identified
These Stakeholders were later mapped on a Power vs Influence chart to identify the area of focusing the solution



An app to ensure fitness of a person who has recently undergone an injury and is recovering from it. It was observed that it is difficult for a p Read More


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