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"...---..." | Photo montage Sequence

"...---..." | Photo montage Sequence

URL: https://youtu.be/510ZdzDBpuI

I create the photo sequence base on a story from the book “BOOK OF NO SLEEP” called “Annoying Neighbour”. The outline of the story is about a woman moved away from her old home because she have a bad neighbour. Her neighbour always making strange noise at midnight. The sound is not too loud but repeating regular bumping sound, like high heels walking above. The woman cannot sleep at night with those sounds going on and on. She realized the pattern was always the same, like a recording played over and over with random intervals in between. Therefore, she moved out. However, the same sequence of bump slowly tattooed into her mind. Years later, when she watch the movie “Titanic”, one of the sence is sending sos morse code out to call for help and a shiver immediately went through her spine as she recognized that exact pattern.

            I totally used 6 photos to explain the whole story and also I make a little change of how she discover this is a sos morse code. The original version is the woman help her little daughter with her homework and her daughter knocked on the table with the pattern and she asked what’s the pattern mean. I think the daughter is not necessary in the photo sequence so I deleted it and change the plot. Also, I use the looping techniques to explain that he heard the same pattern every night and for a long time also add the high heel sence in between to represent that the woman think is just simply highg heel sound. And I added the same pattern to enhance the feeling of scary and creepy and also like bring up the woman’s memories back. I hope that everyone can be frightened from the tips of one’s hair to the marrow of her very bones.

            Besides, the sound is very important elements in the assignment. The sound can make you feel like the time is running away and also present the woman endure this situation for a long time. The speed of the sound also make it faster and faster in order to make you feel release when it finally stop. The woman also moved out when she cannot endure anymore. The sos morse code is the most important sound. I will also make it faster to enhance the nervous environment. At the end, I blacken out the screen but the morse code is never stop. I want to make you feel like although you are looking at nothing but you still like seeing all the sence in your head. Sound can give you image too.

"...---..." | Photo montage Sequence


"...---..." | Photo montage Sequence
