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Are Ferrets Good Pets?

Are Ferrets Good Pets?

Having a pet offers a wealth of benefits since it’ll teach you responsibility and ensure that you’re never going to be lonely again. Nevertheless, it is vital to understand that not all animals make good pets. Some have a bad temperament and this could create problems for you and your family.

If you have children, you need to choose a pet that won’t bite or scratch your kids. How about ferrets? Do they make good pets and will they be a suitable match for your family?

A Popular Choice

Ferrets make great pets and this is why they’re a popular choice among pet lovers. In the United States, ferrets are the 3rd most common uncaged pet. 

The only pets that are more popular are dogs and cats. Dedicate time and energy to your ferrets and you can guarantee that they’re going to be loyal and affectionate.

Furthermore, you’ll be surprised by their intelligence. These animals are incredibly smart and they’ll learn more tricks than your average dog.


If you’re going to be bringing a ferret home, you need to prepare thoroughly. First and foremost, you’ll need to make sure that you provide them with a healthy diet. 

They’re carnivores meaning that they’re only going to consume meat. In the wild, it is common for them to ease small mammals such as rabbits, rodents, birds, fish, and amphibians.

The average black-footed ferret will eat 50 to 70 grams of meat each day. The good news is that you won’t need to capture reptiles or fish to feed your ferret find. Instead, you can feed them ferret food made in a factory.

To keep your pet healthy, you’ll need to provide it with a diet consisting of 36% protein and 20% fat. Make sure that carbohydrates are restricted.

Average Lifespan

You can expect your ferret to be by your side for many years. The lifespan of a ferret spans from 6 to 10 years. As long as you diligently care for your new pet, he’ll be there for you for a few good years.


Unfortunately, some people are not prepared to properly care for a ferret. They just see a cute little fur baby and nothing else. Ferrets that are not properly cared for from birth tend to be aggressive. This is especially true among store-bought ferrets. 

To avoid this issue, it is recommended to only purchase from independent breeders. These individuals generally have more time to invest in their ferrets. So, they will be more adapted to humans than the ferrets you purchase from franchise pet stores.

Ferret Training

Like cats, ferrets can be trained to utilize a litter box. This training will ensure a cleaner living environment. If you plan on giving your ferret free rein of your home, litter training is recommended. 

Store the litter box in an area familiar and accessible to the ferret.
Take him/her to the litter box as soon as you remove him/her from the cage. After awhile, the ferret will get used to the idea of utilizing the litter box at this time.

Not Suitable For All

Unfortunately, ferrets are not suitable for all families. It takes extensive training and patience to teach ferrets not to bite. Therefore, they may not be suitable pets for children under the age of 10. Wait until your children get a little older before introducing a ferret into your home.
Are Ferrets Good Pets?

Are Ferrets Good Pets?

Figure out why and how ferrets make wonderful pets for you and your family.


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