Final design
This is the logo they were using before I did my thing.
They're a small landscaping company that does brick work for wealthier residents of the city.
very rough sketches, I would normally have filled about three pages with ideas.
But there was a tight deadline and the client had a pretty specific idea of what they wanted.
Narrowed down to three rough concepts made in illustrator.
The two on the left are pretty similar though, in retrospect
I could have probably used a different font for one of them.
Client wanted the "N" to be smaller and some wording added.
These are the options I sent them
Final logo design. The client didn't want colour options at all, which I found strange.
But the customer is always right. They also didn't want any collateral,
so no fancy printed materials for this porject. 
BnZ logo design

BnZ logo design

A company came in to get their logo redesigned while I was working as an intern at the company they came to. This was my first logo for a company Read More
