so in turn
i crafted my own lighthouse
and it was not a lighthouse at all
i maintained my life upon driftwood
cast out from the beacon i trusted in
so i lay atop this tattered old tree
in solace upon the waves
but also in great acceptance of sadness
allowing any misery to cleanse me
i let it wash atop my body and submerge me beneath
i believe it is crucial to let the misery hold you
on top of my driftwood
although most isolated
i can see the stars clearly
contentment in aloneness
that is what i have learned throughout my days at sea
no longer do the melodies drift around my senses
rather, i drift around my sadness
and accept it for what it is
i shall always carry sadness in my bones
but i am content
with the knowledge that i am enough
i take care of my needs
all i need is the ocean
it is vast enough to hold all my tears
and kind enough the reflect back the sunlight
upon my smiles
i do not mind drifting in the great emptiness


poetry! and ugly photos bc i accept myself and how i look


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